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April 9, 2019

george school
April 9, 2019



APRIL 9, 2019

PDF Version of Minutes

The Regular Meeting of the Brockton School Committee was held this evening in the George M. Romm Little Theatre at Brockton High School, at seven o'clock. These minutes contain a summary of the meeting and list items that were under discussion.

Present: Mayor Carpenter, Chair; Mr. Minichiello, Vice-Chair; Ms. Asack, Mr. D'Agostino, Mr. Gormley, Ms. Sullivan, Mr. Sullivan, Superintendent Smith

Absent: Ms. Plant

Also Present: Executive Team Members

Mayor Carpenter called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., followed by a salute to the flag.

Hearing of Visitors

Terry McIntosh and Michelle Keane both of the Brockton SEPAC (Brockton Special Education Parent Advisory Council) invited all parents to attend their meetings, it’s a great opportunity for support and learning. May 20, 2019 is their next meeting at Brockton High School from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and June 5, 2019. Translators are available at their meetings and refreshments are served.

Pat Monteith represented the Brockton Public Library and shared information regarding a grant they received back in the fall from UMass Boston to digitize the history of Brockton. This will be part of the Brockton Public Library and UMass Boston initiatives to record the entire history of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on Saturday, May 18, 2019, 10am – 3pm at the Brockton Public Library 304 Main Street, Brockton, MA. They are asking for all Brockton residents, schools and government offices to bring in photos or memorabilia along with a story of what they wish to have recorded.

Mayor Carpenter acknowledged Ward Councilors Anne Beauregard Ward 5 and Shirley Asack Ward 7 for attending the School Committee meeting.

Consent Agenda

Mayor Carpenter explained the purpose of the Consent Agenda and asked members for requests to remove items for further discussion.

Ms. Sullivan moved the Superintendent's recommendation to approve the following Consent Agenda items, the motion was seconded by Mr. D’Agostino.

  • Approval of March 19, 2019 Regular School Committee Meeting Minutes
  • Acceptance of Report: March 21, 2019 Accounts Review Subcommittee Meeting
  • Acceptance of Report: April 9, 2019 Bid Review Subcommittee Meeting
  • Approval of Out-of-State Field Trip Brockton Educational Talent Search to 1501 Broadway, New York, NY
  • Authorization to Submit FY20 Coordinate Family and Community Engagement Grant
  • Approval of Padre Pio Cape Verdean Scholarship Award
  • Acceptance of Notification of Personnel Appointments: Non-Certified
  • Acceptance of Notification of Personnel Actions: Leaves of Absence, Resignations, Retirements

Voted: to approve the motion, unanimous.

Mayor Carpenter suggested moving the BEA Contract Ratification from the Executive session agenda and review it in the Regular meeting session.

Mr. D’Agostino moved the recommendation to take the BEA Contract Ratification from Executive session to discuss in the regular meeting session, the motion was seconded by Mr. Sullivan.

Voted: to approve the motion, unanimous.

Mr. Minichiello, Vice Chair of the committee gave an update on the BEA Ratification. The memorandum of agreement took approximately one-year. Ron Souga a mediator/organizer in charge. The second time they went through interest base bargaining that worked with few minor modifications. He thanked Gail Manos (retired), Kim Gibson BEA Rep, Michael Thomas Deputy Superintendent, Dr. Kathleen Moran Executive Director of Human Resources, Attorney Kevin Bresnahan, Lisa Plant School Committee Member, Judy Sullivan School Committee Member, Collin Confrey, Tim Sullivan, John Cassiani and John Wilkerson. Mr. Minichiello believes Executive session is not needed.

Superintendent Smith mentioned that this was the second round of bargaining in six years in interest base. She also thanked Kim Gibson BEA Rep., the School Committee Members and our team for attending the trainings and working together. She also thanked Mayor Carpenter, Jay Condon Chief Financial Officer for their assistance during difficult times making sure we had some funding to be able to settle the contract.

Mr. Minichiello moved the recommendation for the BEA Contract Ratification, the motion was seconded by Mr. Sullivan.

Voted: to approve the motion, unanimous.

Superintendent's Report

Visitor – Mr. Philip Bradley

Superintendent Smith welcomed Mr. Philip Bradley from Auckland, New Zealand a Board of Trustees member at Epson Girls Grammar School at a public high school for girls of 2,200 students. Mr. Bradley said he chose Brockton High for a visit because it is the largest of Plymouth County’s high schools and its administrative structure and challenges that would provide valuable insights and the recent “turnaround” successes. Mr. Bradley thanked everyone for allowing him to visit and taking time out to speak with him.


Superintendent Smith introduced Karen McCarthy Coordinator of Title 1 and Jane Feroli, Specialist for Parent Engagement to speak about our AmeriCorps Members to acknowledge their great work they continue to provide to our students in the school district. They are a network of national service programs that strengthen communities and promote civic engagement through the work of volunteer members. The district includes eight AmeriCorps Early Literacy Tutors and our AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America). Certificates were presented on behalf of the School Committee.

Superintendent Smith introduced Assistant Coach Robert Connelly spoke about the Boys Track Team and their accomplishments that qualified for the 2019 New Balance National Championship. He also thanked Mayor Carpenter, Brockton School department and the community for coming together in support of them. Certificates were presented to the team members on behalf of the School Committee.

Superintendent Smith introduced Brockton High school seniors, Mynthia Gonkpala and Alexandra Younes. Both students along with Dr. Cancell, Mr. Desmond Azure Assistant Dean and Superintendent Smith attended UMass Lowell for a conference hosted by Commissioner Jeffrey Riley, entitled Re-imagining education K-12 with a focus on students and what we need to do in preparing them for college, career choice and beyond that. The goal is to have an early blueprint of how the Massachusetts education community can realign political, regulatory, and financial structures to support strong, engaging instruction for all students. Both students spoke about their experience at the conference and felt they were well informed.

Superintendent Smith asked Alexandra Younes to remain at the front. Alexandra received the Prudential Spirit of community award which is based on the number of hours volunteered. Alexandra qualified for the President volunteer service award that was presented on behalf of the school committee.

Superintendent Smith introduced Coach Robert Boen, Varsity Basketball. Coach Boen was selected on behalf of the NFHS Coaches Association (National Federation of State High School Association) to receive the 2017-2018 Northeast coach of the Year award for Boys Basketball. Superintendent Smith also acknowledged Robert Boen working in the district for 42 years and with 5 absences in his career. A certificate was presented to Coach Boen on behalf of the School Committee.

Superintendent Smith addressed the SEPAC and thanked Terry McIntosh, Michelle Keane and parents for their involvement. It was brought to our attention that the bylaws need to be approved, election of officers and to make sure with the open meeting law that they are being advertised publicly and minutes from the SEPAC meetings posted on the website. Superintendent was thankful the recommendations and spoke with our Attorney to make sure we are complying. Thank you to Texas Roadhouse for their continued support to the SEPAC. An account will be set up through the BEF at our Financial office. The goal is to continue to grow that organization.

Superintendent Smith spoke about a former Brockton High School graduate of 2003 Robert Wedge. Robert recently received Honorable Mention: 2018 Leatherneck Magazine Writing Contest – “Before He Became “The King of Cool” Steven McQueen. Robert also serves in the US Navy. Superintendent Smith invited Kathy Wedge (mother) to speak on behalf of her son. She thanked the Brockton Public schools for all the success that Robert has had, he is soaring in the movie industry and the U.S. Naval Reserve.

Presentation Robert Saltzman / Alumni Association Website

Robert Saltzman presented a powerpoint with informative information about the Alumni Association. A packet was given to School Committee members with additional information about the Alumni Association.

Curriculum Update

June Saba-McGuire Chief Academic Officer and Dr. Ethan Cancell Executive Director of Assessment, Accountability, Technology presented a powerpoint on the turnaround update that is happening in seven of our schools.


Superintendent Smith spoke about the grade 10 ELA MCAS online at Brockton High. We received notification on March 31, 2019 telling us the Commissioner was aware of a controversial question where students were uncomfortable in answering. The question has been pulled from the exam. We will await guidelines from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Advocacy Update

  • Friday, March 22, 2019 – The Joint Committee on Education will hold a hearing on the three school finance bills (Governor’s bill, Promise Act, Rep. Tucker’s Bill) beginning at 10 a.m. in the Gardner Auditorium at the State House.
  • Monday, March 25, 2019 – Our State Legislators, Representative Claire Cronin, Representative Gerard Cassidy, Senator Jason Lewis and Representative Alice Peisch are scheduled for a site visit to Brockton High School and Kennedy School to look at the conditions and stresses we have on our budget.
  • Monday, April 22, 2019 – Superintendent Smith and Aldo Petronio Chief Budget Officer will be hosting an Equity in Education Forum, The Tale of Our Cities in Lowell, MA.

Budget Update

Superintendent Smith spoke about the governor’s budget and level services. In September of 2019 we would face a 5.6-million-dollar deficit. A proposed budget was submitted of what is needed in order to run the district effectively.

District Happenings (Powerpoint)

  • AmeriCorps Members
  • Coach Robert Boen
  • Assistant Basketball Coach at Virginia Orlando Vandross
  • Boys Track Team
  • UMASS Amherst – DESE visit
  • Spring Choral Concert
  • Drama Festival
  • Magic Theatre
  • National Art Ed Conference
  • Kennedy School – National Autism Day
  • National History Day State Competition
  • Brockton High School Concert Choir
  • 2019 National Science Teachers Association – Dr. David Mangus

Items to Refer to Subcommittee

Mayor Carpenter requested a Facilities Usage & Planning Subcommittee meeting. Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2019.

Executive Session

Mayor Carpenter is looking to unencumber the Superintendent’s Contract minutes from February 26, 2019 that was held in Executive Session.

Mr. Gormley moved the recommendation to unencumber the Superintendent’s Contract minutes from February 26, 2019 that was held in Executive Session, the motion was seconded by Mr. Sullivan.

Voted: to approve the motion, unanimous.

New Business

Mr. D’Agostino thanked the Brockton High Jazz band performed at the Rotary club meeting.

Mr. Gormley would like to acknowledge the Davis school PTA on their successful Fun Run event this year and meeting their goal.

Mr. Gormley also acknowledged Coach Orlando Vandross and would like to recognize him during the summer. He is going to confirm that he is the only national basketball coach from the city in our history and should be recognized for his excellence.

Ms. Asack thanked Cradle to Crayons for their donations of 12 pallets of supplies to all our kindergarten students and several grade five schools in the district. Ms. Asack thanked Deputy Superintendent Thomas, Kenneth Thompson, John, Mr. Karo, Coach Brennan, Coach Hines, Facilities department and Dr. Murray for having the Boxer baseball team who came out on Saturday morning to help along with volunteers from the community that helped.

Mr. Minichiello thanked Mayor Carpenter for donating approximately 1,000 laptops (approximate cost $500,000) to the Brockton Public Schools.

Mayor Carpenter mentioned this Saturday, April 13, 2019 is Keep Brockton beautiful registration is from 8am – 9am at Heights Crossing, the clean-up is from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon followed with a free cookout for all the volunteers.

Motion to adjourn by Mr. Minichiello, seconded by Mr. D’Agostino.

Seeing no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen A. Smith, JD

