January 5, 2021
Brockton, Massachusetts
Organizational Meeting
January 5, 2021
The Organizational Meeting of the Brockton School Committee was held this evening, at seven o'clock. These minutes contain a summary of the meeting and list items that were under discussion.
Mayor Sullivan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., He explained that tonight's meeting would include the election of officers and other organizational school committee business as required.
Mayor Sullivan, Chair read the following information for the record.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic and State of Emergency, on March 12, 2020, Governor Baker issued an Executive Order Temporarily Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A sec. 20. Pursuant to the Order, public bodies are temporarily relieved from the Open Meeting Law’s requirement that meetings be held in public places, open and physically accessible to the public, so long as measures are taken to ensure public access to the bodies' deliberations "through adequate, alternative means."
This meeting will be held and will be accessible to the public via Brockton Community Access, Brockton Public Schools website, www.bpsma.org, YouTube and Comcast channel 98
The public can access this meeting via this link: www.youtube.TheBrocktonChannels
Mayor Sullivan wished everyone a happy and healthy 2021 and looks forward to working with each and every one.
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call to establish a quorum, followed by a salute to the flag.
Mayor Sullivan, Chair – yes
Mr. D’Agostino, Vice-Chair – yes
Ms. Asack – yes
Ms. Mendes – yes
Mr. Minichiello – absent
Mr. Rodrigues – no
Ms. Sullivan – yes
Mr. Sullivan – yes (arrived later)
Also Present: Superintendent Thomas, Executive Team Members, Kim Gibson, BEA President, Richard Bath
Mayor Sullivan asked to take Dr. Richard Herman out of order due to a conflict this evening, Item X- section B, Learning and Teaching – B: Dr. Richard Herman, FACEP Pandemic Consultant COVID-19 Metrics update.
Mr. D’Agostino motioned to take Item X-B, Learning and Teaching: Dr. Richard Herman, FACEP Pandemic Consultant – COVID-19 Metrics update out of order, seconded by both Ms. Sullivan and Mr. Sullivan.
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote:
Mayor Sullivan, Chair – yes
Mr. D’Agostino, Vice-Chair – yes
Ms. Asack – yes
Ms. Mendes – yes
Mr. Minichiello – absent
Mr. Rodrigues – yes
Ms. Sullivan – yes
Mr. Sullivan – yes
Mayor Sullivan thanked Dr. Herman for attending the School Committee meeting this evening and turned it over to him.
Dr. Herman thanked Mayor Sullivan and the School Committee members for inviting him to come back and wished everyone a Happy New Year. Dr. Herman discussed the metrics for the City of Brockton and presented a power point.
COVID-19 Update: City of Brockton (power point)
* CDC update – January 5, 2021
* Massachusetts Department of Public Health COVID-19 Dashboard, Tuesday, December 15, 2020
* Massachusetts Department of Public Health, COVID-19 Dashboard, Released on: January 5, 2021
* COVID-19: 2020 Brockton Year-End Summary, Updated 1/5/21 4pm
* Brockton: Cases per Day
* City of Brockton COVID-19 Daily Dashboard, Tuesday, December 15, 2020
* City of Brockton COVID-19 Daily Dashboard, Tuesday, January 5, 2021
* Population
* Average Daily Case Count per 100,000 Population, 14-day Period from 12/13/20 to 12/26/20
* Total Hospitalizations to Good Samaritan and Brockton Hospital
* Weekly Deaths
* COVID Deaths by Age
* Weekly PCR Testing % Positive
* % COVID Positive Test – Brockton Residents
* Daily Case Count per 100,000 Population (Each bar represents the average of prior 14 Days)
* Cases by Age Group
* Per Cent by Age Group All Cases
* Per Cent by Age Group, December 2020
* Contract tracing information 12/24/20 – 12/30/20
* COVID: Brockton Kids – 623 Total (Through December 15, 2020)
* COVID: Brockton Kids – 785 Total (through January 4, 2021)
* Brockton Children with COVID – Monthly Number of Cases Ages 0-18
* Pediatric Cases by Week – Age 0-18
* PEDIATRIC (<18) Cases (Through January 4, 2021)
* THROUGH AGE 22 – (Through January 4, 2021)
* COVID Cases by Age Group
* Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, Limited, Approved, Abandoned – 12/15/20
* Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, Limited, Approved, Abandoned – 1/5/21
* Moderna, Pfizer: BIONTECH
* Leading vaccines
Mayor Sullivan and School Committee members thanked Dr. Herman for his medical expertise and doing a deep dive on the metrics and statistics and up-to-date real-time data.
* Mr. D’Agostino asked how concerned we should be about another strand mutated from COVID-19 and will the medical community address it?
Dr. Herman responded, he doesn’t know and mentioned there are many variations of mutations that have come out. The UK variant has received the most press and there’s one in South Africa and is making itself known. We don’t know how widespread it is because surveillance testing hasn’t been accomplished to look at, but it appears to be more contagious than the original variant, but it seems that the current vaccines would be effective against this new variant and people will need to pay attention.
* Superintendent Thomas mentioned we had a target date to return to school on January 19th for out high needs students with disabilities and then on February 1st phasing in other students how long do you see in your best estimate the holiday surge will last?
Dr. Herman responded, it tough to predict what’s going to happen but these surges can go on for weeks just as it did after thanksgiving and took approximately 3 weeks. The decision to proceed when opening for any number of populations, the preparation, the education will need to be in place and advocates testing of any plan and the knowledge that’s in your community and it will occur in every school and be prepared to mitigate the proper measures to keep things as safe as possible.
* Ms. Sullivan mentioned how the health department steps right up when there’s a case in the school department where she works at in Weymouth, MA making sure everyone is safe and is sure the same will happen in Brockton too. We have a very good nursing staff that is headed by Linda Cahill.
* Superintendent Thomas gave an update on COVID-19 cases and close contact in the school department from Dr. Kathy Moran, Director of Human Resources. Since November 27, 2020 we’ve had 69 staff members test positive for COVID-19 and waiting for the results of 14 other staff members who are quarantined. At this moment with the number of quarantines and the members that have tested positive and the employees that have tested positive we’re at 220 since November 27, 2020.
Mayor Sullivan thanked Dr. Herman on behalf the school committee and appreciates the information, expertise and professionalism.
Hearing of Visitors None
Election of Secretary
The Superintendent of Schools serves as Secretary of the School Committee.
Mr. Sullivan recommended Superintendent Michael P. Thomas to serve as Secretary of the Brockton School Committee in 2021, Ms. Asack seconded the motion.
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote:
Mayor Sullivan, Chair – yes
Mr. D’Agostino, Vice-Chair – yes
Ms. Asack – yes
Ms. Mendes – yes
Mr. Minichiello – absent
Mr. Rodrigues – yes
Ms. Sullivan – yes
Mr. Sullivan – yes
Voted: to adopt the recommendation, unanimous.
Recognition of Outgoing Vice Chair
Mr. D’Agostino was presented with a plaque in recognition of his service as the 2020 Vice-Chair of the School Committee. Superintendent Thomas pointed out that Mr. D’Agostino has served as Vice-Chair of the school committee for one year and thanked him for his dedication to the city and the schools. Mayor Sullivan also echoed the sentiments of Superintendent Thomas and thanked Mr. D’Agostino for his professionalism and dedication during the 2020 year and look forward to working with him in 2021.
Ms. Asack mentioned six years ago she and Mr. D’Agostino started a venture six years ago as school committee members and it’s been a pleasure and wanted to say thank you as you’ve done a wonderful job as our Vice-Chair.
Mr. Sullivan mentioned he was surprised that he wanted the job but has done an outstanding and great job and thanked him.
Mr. D’Agostino thanked Superintendent Thomas for his comments and is grateful for his leadership and have made his role much easier and being on top of things. That certainly goes both ways and the same for the Mayor as the three of them came in brand new having plans and then the 100-year pandemic occurred. Mayor Sullivan you’ve been a great leader for our city through this time and made some really difficult decisions. Mr. D’Agostino thanked all the members of the committee and expressed having a good team and a n honor and a privilege to be the Vice-Chair.
Election of 2021 Vice-Chair
Mayor Sullivan explained the responsibilities of the School Committee Vice-chair then opened the floor for nominations.
Ms. Asack nominated Mr. D’Agostino for the position of Vice-Chair of the School Committee for the 2021 calendar year, the nomination was seconded by Mr. Rodrigues and Mr. Sullivan.
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote:
Mayor Sullivan, Chair – yes
Mr. D’Agostino, Vice-Chair – yes
Ms. Asack – yes
Ms. Mendes – yes
Mr. Minichiello – absent
Mr. Rodrigues – yes
Ms. Sullivan – yes
Mr. Sullivan – yes
Voted: to accept the recommendation, unanimous.
Ms. Asack mentioned Mr. Minichiello had a work conflict and is not able to attend tonight’s meeting, he asked Ms. Asack to express that he is in full support of Mr. D’Agostino being Vice-Chair and wanted to thank him for the leadership this past year.
Mr. D’Agostino thanked the committee members for the confidence that is being placed to him electing another year as Vice-Chair and doesn’t take it for granted and allowing him to continue in this role.
Election of CSAB SC Members
The Bylaws of the Community School Advisory Board provide for the election of two (2) school committee members to serve on the board for a one-year term.
Ms. Sullivan and Mr. Rodrigues were nominated.
On the nomination, the committee voted to elect Ms. Sullivan and Mr. Rodrigues to serve on the Community School Advisory Board in 2021 unanimous.
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote:
Mayor Sullivan, Chair – yes
Mr. D’Agostino, Vice-Chair – yes
Ms. Asack – yes
Ms. Mendes – yes
Mr. Minichiello – absent
Mr. Rodrigues – yes
Ms. Sullivan – yes
Mr. Sullivan – yes
Voted: to accept the recommendation, unanimous.
Approval of Rules and orders of SC
The Rules and Orders of the School Committee are subject to annual ratification.
Mr. D’Agostino moved to adopt the Rules and Orders for 2021 as presented; Ms. Asack seconded the motion.
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote:
Mayor Sullivan, Chair – yes
Mr. D’Agostino, Vice-Chair – yes
Ms. Asack – yes
Ms. Mendes – yes
Mr. Minichiello – absent
Mr. Rodrigues – yes
Ms. Sullivan – yes
Mr. Sullivan – yes
Voted: to adopt the Rules and Orders as presented, unanimous.
Appointment of2021 Subcommittees
A list of the 2021 subcommittee assignments in this evening’s agenda book. Mr. D’Agostino called attention to the Negotiations—Other Bargaining Units subcommittee appointments, noting that an adjustment was made to the committee assignments based on the number of bargaining units in order to accommodate schedules.
Ms. Sullivan moved to accept notification of the 2021 Subcommittee Assignments as presented, the motion was seconded by Mr. Sullivan.
Voted: to accept notification, unanimous.
Mr. D’Agostino thanked all the members of the committee for their service on all the subcommittees especially the committees of the whole, as we are in negotiations with several bargaining units and thanked the members of those negotiating committees. Mr. D’Agostino thanked Mr. Sullivan for his willingness to go to the BEA negotiating committee taking on a big responsibility and it is much appreciated; we will have our three longest serving members on the bargaining committee for our largest bargaining unit. Mr. D’Agostino also thanked Ms. Sullivan and Mr. Minichiello for accepting the responsibility serving on the committee.
Mr. D’Agostino acknowledged our newer members Ms. Mendes and Mr. Rodrigues who were willing to step into leadership opportunities and be leaders on the committee and appreciates their willingness to dive in and accept leadership responsibilities.
Consent Agenda Mayor Sullivan explained the purpose of the Consent Agenda and asked members for any requests to remove items for further discussion; Mr. D’Agostino asked to remove Item C, Acceptance of December 1, 2020 Superintendent’s Contract Subcommittee Meeting Report and Item D, Acceptance of December 1, 2020 Policy Subcommittee Meeting Report giving an overview report on the consent agenda items.
Ms. Asack asked to remove Item B, Acceptance of December 2, 2020 Facilities Usage & Planning Subcommittee Meeting Report giving an overview report on the consent agenda item.
Ms. Sullivan asked to remove Item E, Approval of Principal Brian Rogan 2021 Memorial Scholarship giving an overview report on the consent agenda item.
Mr. Sullivan moved the Superintendent's recommendation to approve the following remaining items A, F and G, seconded by Ms. Sullivan:
* Approval of Minutes: December 15, 2020 Regular School Committee Meeting
* Acceptance of Notification: Personnel Appointments: Non-Certified
* Acceptance of Notification: Personnel Actions—Leaves of Absence, Resignations, Retirements
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote:
Mayor Sullivan, Chair – yes
Mr. D’Agostino, Vice-Chair – yes
Ms. Asack – yes
Ms. Mendes – yes
Mr. Minichiello – absent
Mr. Rodrigues – yes
Ms. Sullivan – yes
Mr. Sullivan – yes
Voted: to adopt the recommendation, unanimous.
Item B, Acceptance of December 2, 2020 Facilities Usage & Planning Subcommittee Meeting
Report discussing the agenda items:
1. Discussion of Eldon B. Keith Field
2. Huntington School Roof replacement update
3. Goddard renovation update
4. Other Business
Mr. D’Agostino moved to approve Item B, Acceptance of December 2, 2020 Facilities Usage & Planning Subcommittee Meeting Report; the motion was seconded by Mr. Sullivan.
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote to approve Item B, Acceptance of December 2, 2020 Facilities Usage & Planning Subcommittee Meeting.
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote:
Mayor Sullivan, Chair – yes
Mr. D’Agostino, Vice-Chair – yes
Ms. Asack – yes
Ms. Mendes – yes
Mr. Minichiello – absent
Mr. Rodrigues – yes
Ms. Sullivan – yes
Mr. Sullivan – yes
Voted: to approve the motion, unanimous.
Item C, Acceptance of December 1, 2020 Superintendent’s Contract Subcommittee Meeting Report discussing the agenda items:
1. Discussion on Evaluation criteria
2. Other Business
Item D, Acceptance of December 1, 2020 Policy Subcommittee Meeting Report discussing the agenda items:
1. Review of current COVID-19 metrics
2. Re-opening for students with Special needs
3. Re-visit Re-opening plan
4. Winter sports guidance
5. Other Business
Mr. Rodrigues moved to approve both Item C, Acceptance of December 1, 2020 Superintendent’s Contract Subcommittee Meeting Report and Item D, Acceptance of December 1, 2020 Policy Subcommittee Meeting Report; the motion was seconded by Ms. Sullivan.
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote to approve both Item C, Acceptance of December 1, 2020 Superintendent’s Contract Subcommittee Meeting and Item D, Acceptance of December 1, 2020 Policy Subcommittee Meeting Report.
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote:
Mayor Sullivan, Chair – yes
Mr. D’Agostino, Vice-Chair – yes
Ms. Asack – yes
Ms. Mendes – yes
Mr. Minichiello – absent
Mr. Rodrigues – yes
Ms. Sullivan – yes
Mr. Sullivan – yes
Voted: to approve the motions, unanimous.
Item E, Approval of Principal Brian Rogan 2021 Memorial Scholarship.
Ms. Sullivan read the letter in its entirety submitted from the Kelly Family Foundation.
The board voted to make a 2020 contribution of $7000 to the Brockton Educational Foundation Inc., in memory of Principal Brian Rogan.
It is our wish funds be awarded to a college-bound senior whose intended course of study is in elementary education or special education. A recipient should be a student who, through his or her high school career, has demonstrated high academic investment, consistent respect for peers, and a concern for the community. We are comfortable with the high school guidance counselors and teacher selecting he recipient (or recipients) according to the above criteria. The KFF Board allows that the educators involved might decide that dividing the funds among more than one graduate is preferable, and more than one more scholarship may be awarded.
It is our hope that we can continue to donate funds to the Brockton Educational Foundation each year, and a scholarship (or scholarships) in honor of Brian Rogan be awarded annually. I am enclosing a check for $7000. I am confident that the BEF can expect the same contribution from the KFF next year.
Thank you for the important work you do.
Michelle Baer (Board Member – Kelly Family Foundation)
Mr. D’Agostino mentioned this is excellent having a scholarship to remember Mr. Rogan, he was a wonderful man and a wonderful teacher that served our city for over 30 years. It’s amazing how many lives he touched and impacted in a positive way including him having Mr. Rogan as a fourth-grade teacher.
Superintendent Thomas mentioned this is a great tribute to Principal Rogan whom we all still miss very much and always will. We look forward to hopefully in the spring be able to recognize and formally dedicate the garden that the staff is working together at the Kennedy School to honor
Mr. Rogan’s memory and his legacy.
Mr. Sullivan mentioned that Mr. Rogan is deeply missed and never forgotten, he was a great guy.
Ms. Sullivan moved to approve Item E, Approval of Principal Brian Rogan 2021 Memorial Scholarship; the motion was seconded by Mr. D’Agostino.
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote:
Mayor Sullivan, Chair – yes
Mr. D’Agostino, Vice-Chair – yes
Ms. Asack – yes
Ms. Mendes – yes
Mr. Minichiello – absent
Mr. Rodrigues – yes
Ms. Sullivan – yes
Mr. Sullivan – yes
Voted: to approve the motions, unanimous.
Superintendent's Report
Pilgrim Foundation donation
Superintendent Thomas introduced Chief Financial Officer Mr. Aldo Petronio to discuss the donation. Mr. Petronio worked directly with Mr. Ray Ledoux former CEO of BAT and now the President of the Pilgrim Foundation. They made a generous donation of $36,611.16 for the education and well-being of our visually impaired students. Superintendent Thomas thanked the board at the Pilgrim Foundation for this very generous donation.
Mr. Petronio mentioned Mr. Ray Ledoux reached out to him and Superintendent Thomas to discuss how the Pilgrim Foundation saw the struggle we were having trying to get one-to-one devices for every student in Brockton. They saw how we were able to purchase laptops for every student with the Plymouth County Cares Act funds and wanted to do something for a population of students that need some additional help. After a conversation with Ms. Laurie Mason, Director of Special Education a group identified was the visually impaired and said there’s electronic equipment that we could get for the students that would really help.
Mr. Ledoux presented the information of items needed for the visually impaired students to the Foundation and the Foundation thought it was perfect. The quotes were sent to them from the companies and within a couple of weeks the Pilgrim Foundation sent us a check and said they were very happy to make this donation.
Mayor Sullivan echoed his sentiments and thanked Mr. Ledoux and the board at the Pilgrim Foundation for this very generous donation.
COVID-19 Update continued:
Superintendent Thomas asked for further discussion of Dr. Herman’s report to discuss the target dates that were in place of January 19, 2021 for students with disabilities and then February 1, 2021 for other students to return in a hybrid model.
Superintendent Thomas is recommending a two-week delay to watch the COVID-19 numbers from the holidays. He has concerns regarding the number of staff members who have had COVID since November 27, 2020 and understands we must return in person and is very important for our community and students with disabilities, having this delay will be in the best interest of safety and health. Superintendent Thomas also recommends in keeping staff on the same schedule that is being followed the last three weeks with the uptick in staff cases they would follow the same schedule they’ve been following for the last two weeks as far as remote work with the option to come in until we see where this holiday surge goes and follow the remote work, then we could revisit on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 during a Policy Subcommittee meeting and have Dr. Herman return for an update.
* Mr. D’Agostino agrees having the two-week delay and makes sense because of the holiday spikes.
* Ms. Asack also agrees having the two-week delay especially where our numbers are higher than we expected them to be.
* Mayor Sullivan recognized and thanked Ms. Kim Gibson, BEA President who’s always on and the BEA staff who have been unbelievable partners as we try to continue to navigate COVID and supports 100% in a two-week delay.
Mr. D’Agostino motioned to delay the reopening two weeks for Special needs students to
February 1, 2021 and PreK & Kindergarten to February 8, 2021, seconded by Mr. Rodrigues.
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote:
Mayor Sullivan, Chair – yes
Mr. D’Agostino, Vice-Chair – yes
Ms. Asack – yes
Ms. Mendes – yes
Mr. Minichiello – absent
Mr. Rodrigues – yes
Ms. Sullivan – yes
Mr. Sullivan – yes
Voted: to approve the motions, unanimous.
Student Opportunity Act (SOA) 3-year District Plan
Superintendent Thomas discussed the Student Opportunity Act plan. Last January 2020 we were scheduled to receive $21 million dollars under the new Student Opportunity Act. We had to put a plan in place for the Department of Education and that started with several meetings with staff, teachers, community parents, community organizations that took place from January 2020 until the pandemic occurred. The Student Opportunity Act plan was based off those meetings and reviewing data.
This is pre-COVID and not post-COVID, Commissioner Riley has mentioned we will have opportunities to tweak this plan. Once we know what we ‘re receiving we will revisit this plan and proceed.
Superintendent Thomas welcomed Mr. Richard Bath a former School Committee member, he continues to work with us helping us put together this plan and notes from the various meetings held. Mr. Bath will discuss the process we went through January to March and how this was put together. This Student Opportunity Act Plan was delayed from the original submission of April 15, 2020 and was changed several times and will now be submitted by January 15, 2021.
Mr. Bath acknowledged the following for their support in putting together the Student Opportunity Act plan. Superintendent Thomas, Ms. June Saba-Maguire, Chief Academic Officer and her team,
Dr. Ethan Cancell, Executive Director of Assessment, Accountability, Technology, Mr. Aldo Petronio, Chief Financial Officer and Ms. Jess Hodges, Chief Public Relations Officer.
Ms. June Saba-Maguire, Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Ethan Cancell, Executive Director of Assessment, Accountability, Technology and Ms. Jess Hodges, Chief Public Relations Officer presented the following power point.
Student Opportunity Act (SOA) 3-year District Plan (power point)
* Commitment 1- focusing on Student Subgroups
* Recommendations
* Commitment 2: Using Evidence-Based Programs to Close Gaps
* Recommendations
* Recommendations-Commitment 2 Continued
* Commitment 3: Monitoring Success Outcome Metrics & Targets
* Commitment 4: Engaging All Families
* Ms. Sullivan thanked everyone for the report.
* Was funding reduced from 60 to 16 from Title One?
Yes, since 2000 our Title One funds have decreased that was completely related to funding.
Items to Refer to Mr. D’Agostino requested a Superintendent’s Subcommittee meeting.
Subcommittee Tuesday, January 12, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Superintendent Thomas requested a Curriculum Subcommittee meeting.
Tuesday, January 12, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.
Unfinished Business
Automatic Failure Policy
Superintendent Thomas discussed the Automatic Failure Policy. The committee voted for term one to suspend the Automatic Failure Policy meaning that a student could not fail for having unexcused absences in the middle and high school level. We are looking to relax this policy for term two, this has nothing to do with allowing students to pass, if they’re not passing and not doing their work and not earning passing grades, they would receive the grade they’ve earned.
Mr. D’Agostino motioned to extend the suspension of the Automatic Failure Policy through term two, seconded by Mr. Sullivan.
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote:
Mayor Sullivan, Chair – yes
Mr. D’Agostino, Vice-Chair – yes
Ms. Asack – yes
Ms. Mendes – yes
Mr. Minichiello – absent
Mr. Rodrigues – yes
Ms. Sullivan – yes
Mr. Sullivan – yes
Voted: to approve the motions, unanimous.
New Business
Mayor Sullivan gave an update relative to the distribution of the vaccines. He thanked Superintendent Thomas, Dr. Cobbs, Mr. Ken Thompson, Mr. Jamie Dimestico, BHS Principal, Dr. Murray, Dean of the Red building, Ms. Carrie Copp. Brockton High School will be utilized under a plan established under Mayor Jack Yunits if in the event we need to do a citywide distribution of vaccines. Now is the time we need to do that so we will be utilizing starting Monday, January 11, 2021 the Red cafeteria and Red IRC for distribution of phase one vaccines for our front-line police, fire and other frontline staff.
Mayor Sullivan thanked the following: Chartwells who will supply food for the nurses and paramedics, Dr. Linda Cahill, school nurses and city nurses that will administering the vaccine, Mr. Steve Hook from BEMA. Vaccination is Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., Thursday will be four to six hours if needed.
Mayor Sullivan thanked Superintendent Thomas and his leadership team in locating a special freezer that the city acquired under the Cares Act for the vaccines needed to have temperature controlled. We no longer have the Harbor One bank at Brockton High (training for our students are provided at the Belmont branch) the freezer is stored and utilized in the core building (former Harbor One bank).
Mr. D’Agostino mentioned several constituents reached out to him regarding the K, 6 and 9 and wanted to see what the committee thoughts were to have arranged a few students of ½ hour or 45 minutes of a few students to meet at the schools. (no interactions or transportation)
Superintendent Thomas will have a conversation with Kim Gibson, BEA President.
Mayor Sullivan wanted the committee to be aware that he has drafted a letter in his capacity as Mayor to the Superintendent relative to bringing the notion of the Keith Center to the Facilities Subcommittee Committee. We will need to discuss the location; it has been deemed a s a potential site for a new public safety location.
Seeing there be no further business, Ms. Sullivan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. D’Agostino.
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote to adjourn.
Mayor Sullivan, Chair – yes
Mr. D’Agostino, Vice-Chair – yes
Ms. Asack – yes
Ms. Mendes – yes
Mr. Minichiello – absent
Mr. Rodrigues – yes
Ms. Sullivan – yes
Mr. Sullivan – yes
The meeting adjourned at 9:09 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael P. Thomas
Attachments: COVID-19 update: City of Brockton,
Brockton Public Schools’ Student Opportunity Act Plan