March 7, 2023
Brockton, Massachusetts Brockton School Committee Meeting March 7, 2023 |
A meeting of the Brockton School Committee was held this evening in the George M. Romm Little Theatre of Brockton High School at seven o'clock. These minutes contain a summary of the meeting and lists items that were under discussion. |
Present |
Chair, Robert F. Sullivan, Mayor, Ms. Asack, Ms. Ehlers, Mr. Homer, Ms. Rivas Mendes, Mr. Rodrigues, Ms. Sullivan, Mr. Sullivan, Superintendent Thomas |
Absent |
None |
Also Present |
Cabinet Members, Ms. Kim Gibson, BEA President, Attorney Peter Mello |
Mayor Sullivan called the meeting to order at 7:00P, followed by a salute to the flag. Mayor Sullivan asked for a moment of silence in memory of Dr. Claire Appling, long time employee in Brockton Public Schools and friend of the City of Brockton saying, “May she rest in peace.” Mayor Sullivan read the following information into the record. In addition to attending the public can view this meeting via television on Comcast channel 98 and /1071HD Version, and online via this link: Mayor Sullivan then took a roll-call to establish a quorum. Ms. Sullivan (Here) Mr. Homer (Here) Ms. Ehlers (Here) Ms. Rivas Mendes (Here) Mr. Rodrigues (Here) Ms. Asack (Here) Mr. T. Sullivan (Here) Mr. R. Sullivan (Here) |
Hearing of Visitors |
Mr. Jensen Denoyes spoke to the committee, “Hero In U” a local TV show hosting a Women’s History Essay Contest for students in grade 10. The winner will be featured on the next show. |
Consent Agenda |
Mayor Sullivan explained the purpose of the Consent Agenda, read the items aloud and asked members for any requests to remove items for further discussion.
Ms. Asack asked (motion) to remove agenda number A: Approval of Minutes: Regular School Committee Meeting, February 7, 2023 due to a scrivener’s error. The Mayor stated the minutes “could be amended on the floor.” The Motion was seconded by Mr. Rodrigues The motion passed. Mr. Sullivan made a motion to accept items B,C,D,E and F as written, seconded by Mr. Homer. B. Approval of Minutes: Facilities Usage & Planning Subcommittee Meeting, February 7, 2023 C. Approval of Minutes: Security, Safety, Transportation Subcommittee Meeting, January 31, 2023 D. Approval of Out-of-State Trip: Empower Yourself to Manchester, NH E. Requests for Authorization to Submit Proposal and Expenditure of Funds: · FY23 Safer Schools & Communities Grant - $90,534.92 · Influence 100 FY23 FC329 - $2,000 · FY23 Diversity in STEM Education – tbd F. Acceptance of Human Resources Notifications Appointments: Certified Personnel Appointments: Non-Certified Personnel Actions: Leaves of Absence, Resignations, Retirements
Voted: to approve the motion, unanimously.
The Mayor then turned the floor over to Ms. Asack to open discussion on the minutes in question.
Ms. Asack requested the minutes of the February 7, 2023 Regular School Committee Meeting be amended to include the results of the three Roll-Call votes taken at that meeting.
Ms. Ehlers made a motion on the floor as motion to approve Ms. Asack’s changes/amendment to the minutes of the February 7, 2023 meeting, properly seconded by Ms. Asack. The motion passed unanimously, (with the two absent parties of the 2.7.23 meeting abstaining). |
Superintendent’s Report |
Teaching & Learning The Superintendent explained that Champion Student Rep, Elijah, had a conflict with tonight’s meeting and will be invited to present at the next, March 21, meeting, with the BHS Student Rep. Mr. Thomas spoke on the presentation that he shared with his principals and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. After pointing out the Agenda Items, Priority Areas 1, and 2, which are, High Quality Learning Experiences and Welcoming and Inclusive Environments, he commended DESE for their support and the Assistant Superintendents for the work they are doing with all levels of our immediate district staff in the first year of the five year plan. Superintendent Thomas was pleased to report that the DESE is seemingly very happy with the work that they are observing of our teachers in the many walk-throughs in our classrooms. He’s proud to report that the ESSER purchased K-5 curriculum material, Wonders 2023, is culturally responsible, inclusive (Students With Disabilities and English Language Learners), and rigorous. Dr. Connors will now find appropriate curriculum maters for 6-12. Superintendent Thomas introduced Ms. Sharon Wolder, Deputy Superintendent of Teaching and Learning who is responsible for keeping the district focused instruction, high quality curriculum and inclusive practices. Ms. Wolder spoke on the importance of keeping organized to empower the school based teams, use the data to identify focus, develop and implement plans and analyze the progress/results all of which will push the district forward in the direction of proficiency. Ms. Wolder spoke on High Quality Instructional Materials in place from the elementary to the high school level. Our educators have been receiving meaningful professional development with these materials, scaffolding techniques while being cognizant of supporting all learners. Karen Spaulding, Assist Superintendent K-5, reported that STAR Reading and Math data is playing out exactly as expected. These decisions were made, rooted in research and best practice. The data is showing that, thoughtful choices, changes, shifts and HQIM in instruction and curriculum, are predictably moving student towards Meeting/Exceeding expectations. Although movement in Math is greater than Reading, students, especially Multi Language Learners, are advancing in Math due to the “three read routine” practice of instruction. Dr. Connors spoke about how incredibly hard our students are observed working, with their peers as well as their teachers, in walk-throughs. She reported on greater advances in Math, due to being in implementation year four of as opposed to year two of StudySync, the ELA and Reading’s HQIM. Dr. Connors pointed out movement of all students, including SWD and MLL, across all categories is directly connected to teacher use of HQIM. Educators are using the materials with fidelity and embracing assistance with coordinators and curriculum partners At the High School level, MLL are showing gains in Reading as the Bilingual Department implements HQIM. It is expected that, with fidelity in the use of Carnegie Math and coach’s modeling with teachers, movement towards Meeting Expectations will occur. She would like to see an increase, 9-12, in the use of grade level appropriate, Standards Based, ELA and Math HQIM. Mr. Precious spoke about Spring 2023 focus in Our Path Forward stating the importance of student tasks and texts that are grade level appropriate and HQIM. He reported that teacher preparation in unpacking and internalizing instruction is crucial. Also, supporting teachers in professional growth and providing feedback that will align with Education Evaluation. Our Path Forward will incorporate strategies for retention of educators of color, improving the experience for early career educations, continuing with what is rooted in science, providing social and emotional supports in Tier 1 and appropriate strategic interventions in Tiers 2 and 3 as identified by the Multi-Tiered System of Support framework. Assistant Superintendent of Student Support Jamie LaBillois then spoke on Priority Area #2: Welcoming and Inclusive Environments. He reported that, as a result of an informal needs assessment that was conducted in 2022, it was determined that there was inconsistent use of data-systems and interventions across the district and grade-spans and that, in the interest of social /emotional stability and mental health, uniformity relative to student support. With enrollment in a DESE Department of Education Academy, Teams and a Task Force have been established talk about rolling out a comprehensive, Multi-Tiered System of Support model to provide for the social/emotional, mental health and behavioral needs of our students. The Task Force will research Tier 1-3’s core instruction to determine what essential understanding we want all of our students to have, as well as interventions and supports, relative to their social/emotional wellness. Another initiative will be a comprehensive needs assessment of staff, stakeholders and students 4-12 to ascertain if our model is responsive to the community’s, student’s and faculty’s professional development needs. The MTSS model should produce a framework that aligns with the District Accommodation Plan. Also, in partnership with Suffolk University and by June 2023, we will have trained 130 administrators in the three tiers of restorative justice. This training will be evidenced in the handbooks discipline code. Finally, Dr. LaBillois spoke on the Views of Climate and Learning state survey that students in grades 4, 5, 8, and 10 will take following MCAS administration. Results of this survey will determine student perceptions of school climate: engagement, safety, and environment. Brockton student base-line data was collected by Boston University Child Study Lab. Looking ahead, data collected will drive communication with Instructional Leadership Teams at the building level, ensuring that all students have access to high quality interventions and supports that speak to the “whole” student. Question from School Committee: As a child’s education starts in the home, how will the school communicate with parents? The Core Program will be presented at parent workshops/evenings. |
Why, if the Middle Schools and the High School are both using Carnigie Math, is the HS not making progress? It is believed that, with clearly communicated expectations and additional supports from Carnagie coaches, progress will be seen. What data can be produced to show student buy-in? Deans, Case-management Teams, Behavior Interventionists, School Adjustment Counselors are identifying the when’s and whys of absences and class cutting and then contacting parents to look for explanations and deliver necessary supports.
Student Rep Report Superintendent Thomas introduced the Champion Rep, Elijah Privott.
Elijah, using a PowerPoint, reported on activities at the Champion High School; Students of the Month students have shown effort in academics, behavior, responsibility and overall good will as a student, Black History Month where students had to create a Flocabulary based on a person of color and recognized their achievements, School Infrastructure Improvements, Champion Boxing Program, Entrepreneurship & Financial Literacy, and Spring Happenings.
Items to Refer to Subcommittee |
Superintendent Thomas requested a Superintendent’s Contract Subcommittee meeting on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 (6p) to give an update on his goals. Superintendent Thomas reminded the Committee that, as of next week, we will begin our running Finance Subcommittee meetings for the 2024 Budget. |
Unfinished Business |
Appointment of Subcommittee Assignments Mayor Sullivan reported that collectively, with the help of Attorneys Mello and Spatafore, subcommittee assignments have been well vetted. He would like to see the Bid Review Subcommittee, in order for each ward member to have a voice in the process, to become a Committee of the Whole. He has asked the attorneys to present, in two weeks time, on how the bid review process is done in other cities at which point a vote will be taken on the configuration of the Bid Review Subcommittee.
Superintendent Thomas suggested that, once established, Bid Review Report become an Agenda Item. |
New Business |
New Negotiating Subcommittee Mr. Thomas asked Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources to come up and report that the Access Control Specialists (20) in BPS have applied to the state to unionize.
Dr. Kathleen Moran is requesting that the School Committee add and assign members to an Access Control Specialists Negotiation Subcommittee to lists.
Ms. Ehlers made a motion to approve the new Access Control Specialists bargaining subcommittee (Same members as on the IBAA & TEA), properly seconded by Ms. Rivas Mendes.
Ms. Asack asked for an update on the written police exam, naming of the Mr. Jones building and a retreat date.
Superintendent Thomas reported that, following his meeting with Lt. Maker, Sgt. Livingston and Dr. Cobbs, there are currently 76, a good amount of whom are female, for the April exam. Many of the 76 are already Academy trained.
Dr. Cobbs said the signage is ready. Mr. Thomas will contact Mr. Jones when the weather gets warmer to arrange a date for the building naming.
The Superintendent suggested March 25th or 31st as retreat dates.
The Mayor spoke of reaching out to Vinnie Macrina and Carol Thomas to arrange a date for the stage dedication. He also mentioned his State of the City address will take place on March 16th from 6:30-7:30p in the Nelson Auditorium.
Another concern of the Mayor was to increase the number of AED machines in all of our buildings, particularly the large and small auditoriums.
Ms. Asack spoke of doing something to honor Dr. Appling. Mayor Sullivan informed the group that, as Dr. Appling is without family, her furniture was being donated to the Drama Club.
Mr. Thomas reminded all about the Legislative Breakfast (3/8/23), hosted by the South Shore Superintendent’s Roundtable. Dr. LaBillois is the chair and will provide highlights/talking points for those unable to attend.
The Mayor spoke about meeting regularly with our State Delegation and is currently in conversation regarding the Governor’s Proposed Budget and how it impacts Brockton.
Mr. Rodrigues spoke on the students honored at the Davis on their MCAS scores and wondered if other schools held such events. He also mentioned the turf field will be proposed at the City Council on March 20th. Lastly, he congratulated the Varsity Boys Basketball team, moving on to the Elite Eight.
Mayor Sullivan spoke about reading to the Brookfield 2nd graders, which he has been doing for the past 15 years.
Mr. Homer gave a “shout-out” to the All City Chorus Concert/High School Choir and the Mythical Band Concert (3/8/23) and upcoming the Art Show at the Library. All great opportunities to showcase their abilities and talents. Finally, congratulations to the High School Drama Club for moving on to the Semi-finals of the Massachusetts Theater Guild. |
Adjournment |
Ms. Asack made a motion to adjourn, properly seconded by Mr. T. Sullivan. The motion passed
Meeting adjourned at 9:00P Respectfully submitted, Michael P. Thomas Secretary
Enclosure(s): Strategic Prioritization Update (PPT), Student Rep (PPT) |