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November 17, 2020

george school
November 17, 2020

Brockton, Massachusetts
Regular School Committee Meeting
November 17, 2020

The Regular Meeting of the Brockton School Committee was held this evening, at seven o'clock.  These minutes contain a summary of the meeting and list items that were under discussion.

Mayor Sullivan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., followed by a salute to the flag.

Mayor Sullivan, Chair read the following information for the record.  

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic and State of Emergency, on March 12, 2020, Governor Baker issued an Executive Order Temporarily Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A sec. 20. Pursuant to the Order, public bodies are temporarily relieved from the Open Meeting Law’s requirement that meetings be held in public places, open and physically accessible to the public, so long as measures are taken to ensure public access to the bodies' deliberations "through adequate, alternative means."

This meeting will be held and will be accessible to the public via Brockton Community Access, Brockton Public Schools website,, YouTube and Comcast channel 12

The public can access this meeting via this link:

Mayor Sullivan took a roll call to establish a quorum.

Mayor Sullivan, Chair – yes            
Mr. D’Agostino, Vice-Chair – yes        
Ms. Asack – yes
Ms. Mendes – yes                    
Mr. Minichiello – yes                        
Mr. Rodrigues – yes
Ms. Sullivan – yes                    
Mr. Sullivan – yes                                    
Also Present:  Superintendent Michael P. Thomas, Executive Team Members, Kim Gibson, BEA President

Hearing of Visitors    None

Consent Agenda    

Mayor Sullivan explained the purpose of the Consent Agenda and asked members if they would like to remove any items for further discussion.  Mr. D’Agostino asked to remove items B, Acceptance of October 13, 2020 Policy Subcommittee Minutes, C, Acceptance of October13, 2020 Superintendent’s Contract Subcommittee Minutes, D, Acceptance of October 28, 2020 Curriculum Subcommittee Minutes, E, Acceptance of October 28, 2020 Policy Manual Review Subcommittee Minutes, G, Approval of Community Schools Advisory Board Bylaws giving an overview report on the following consent agenda items.  
Mr. Sullivan moved the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the remainder Consent Agenda items: A, F, H and I seconded by Ms. Sullivan.

A.  Approval of Minutes:  October 20, 2020 Regular School Committee Meeting
F.   Acceptance of October 28, 2020 Policy Subcommittee Minutes
H.  Notification of Personnel Appointments:  Certified Personnel
I.  Acceptance of Notification of Personnel Actions:  Leaves of Absence, Resignations, Retirements
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote to approve the remainder Consent Agenda items:
Mayor Sullivan, Chair – yes            
Mr. D’Agostino, Vice-Chair – yes        
Ms. Asack – yes
Ms. Mendes – yes                    
Mr. Minichiello – yes                        
Mr. Rodrigues – yes
Ms. Sullivan – yes                    
Mr. Sullivan – yes                                    
Voted:  to approve the motion, unanimous.

Item B, Approval of Minutes:  October 13, 2020 Policy Subcommittee Meeting discussing the agenda items:

1. Review of current COVID-19 metrics
2. Discussion of Remote and Hybrid Learning model
3. Other Business

Mr. D’Agostino moved to approve Item B, Approval of Minutes:  October 13, 2020 Policy Subcommittee Meeting; the motion was seconded by Ms. Asack.

Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote to approve Item B, Approval of Minutes:  October 13, 2020 Policy Subcommittee Meeting.

Mayor Sullivan, Chair – yes                
Mr. D’Agostino, Vice-Chair – yes        
Ms. Asack – yes
Ms. Mendes – yes                    
Mr. Minichiello – yes                        
Mr. Rodrigues – yes
Ms. Sullivan – yes                    
Mr. Sullivan – yes                                    
Voted:  to approve the motion, unanimous.

Item C:  Approval of Minutes:  October 13, 2020 Superintendent’s Contract Subcommittee meeting discussing the agenda items:
1. Presentation of Superintendent’s Plan
2. Evaluation form and next steps
3. Other Business
Mr. D’Agostino moved to approve Item C, Approval of Minutes:  October 13, 2020 Superintendent’s Contract Subcommittee Meeting; the motion was seconded by Ms. Asack.

Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote to approve Item C, Approval of Minutes:  October 13, 2020 Superintendent’s Contract Subcommittee Meeting.

Mayor Sullivan, Chair – yes                
Mr. D’Agostino, Vice-Chair – yes        
Ms. Asack – yes
Ms. Mendes – yes                    
Mr. Minichiello – yes                        
Mr. Rodrigues – yes
Ms. Sullivan – yes                    
Mr. Sullivan – yes                                    
                        Voted:  to approve the motion, unanimous.

Item D:  Approval of Minutes:  October 28, 2020 Curriculum Subcommittee meeting discussing the agenda items:
1. Presentation of the School Based Strategic Improvement Plan
* South Middle School
* Brookfield Elementary School
2. Other Business
Mr. D’Agostino moved to approve Item D Approval of Minutes:  October 28, 2020 Curriculum Subcommittee Meeting; the motion was seconded by Ms. Asack.

Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote to approve Item D, Approval of Minutes:  October 28, 2020 Curriculum Subcommittee Meeting.

Mayor Sullivan, Chair – yes                
Mr. D’Agostino, Vice-Chair – yes        
Ms. Asack – yes
Ms. Mendes – yes                    
Mr. Minichiello – yes                        
Mr. Rodrigues – yes
Ms. Sullivan – yes                    
Mr. Sullivan – yes                                    
                        Voted:  to approve the motion, unanimous.

    Item E:  Approval of Minutes:  October 28, 2020 Policy Manual Review Subcommittee meeting discussing the agenda items:
1. School Committee Email Use
2. Other Business
Mr. D’Agostino moved to approve Item E, Approval of Minutes:  October 28, 2020 Policy Manual Review Subcommittee Meeting; the motion was seconded by Ms. Asack.

Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote to approve Item E, Approval of Minutes:  October 28, 2020 Policy Manual Review Subcommittee Meeting.

Mayor Sullivan, Chair – yes                
Mr. D’Agostino, Vice-Chair – yes        
Ms. Asack – yes
Ms. Mendes – yes                    
Mr. Minichiello – yes                        
Mr. Rodrigues – yes
Ms. Sullivan – yes                    
Mr. Sullivan – yes                                    
                        Voted:  to approve the motion, unanimous.

    Item G:  Approval of Community Schools Advisory Board Bylaws:
Mr. D’Agostino deferred Item G to Superintendent Thomas for further discussion.

Superintendent Thomas invited Dr. Soraya deBarros, Director of Community Schools and Community Schools Board member Mr. Richard Bath, to give an update on the Community Schools Advisory Board Bylaws.  

Dr. deBarros introduced Mr. Bath to discuss the Community Schools Advisory Board Bylaws.  Mr. Bath thanked the following:  Ms. Nancy Fama, Mr. Matthew Campbell, Ms. Melissa Sheppard, Mr. Mostafa Mouhieeddine, Mr. Paul Branco, Mr. Scott Holmes, Ms. Michele Bolton and Ms. Elizabeth Keane for their work on revamping the Community School Bylaws.  Mr. Bath presented revisions of the community schools advisory bylaws.  

Table of Contents (Enclosure #7)

* Table of Contents
* Article I, Name
* Article II, Mission
* Article III, Membership
* Article IV, At-Large Seats
* Article V, Responsibility of Members
* Article VI, Voting Eligibility
* Article VII, Meetings
* Article VIII, Executive Committee
* Article IX, Committees
* Article X, Policy
* Article XI, Amendment of Bylaws
* Article XII, Parliamentary Authority
* Brockton Community Schools Programs
* Brockton Community Schools Contact Information


Mayor Sullivan thanked Mr. Bath and Dr. deBarros for their presentation.

Mr. Bath thanked every member of the School Committee, Superintendent Thomas and Malinda Campbell for supporting his appointment as a lifetime member of MASC where he was officially voted in during their conference.

Superintendent Thomas thanked Mr. Bath for stepping up and doing this it’s important to have you as a lifetime member and be the voice for Brockton, we are honored to have you and appreciate it.
Mr. D’Agostino moved to approve Item G, Approval of Community Schools Advisory Board Bylaws; the motion was seconded by Ms. Asack.

Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote to approve Item G, Approval of Community Schools Advisory Board Bylaws.

Mayor Sullivan, Chair – yes                
Mr. D’Agostino, Vice-Chair – yes        
Ms. Asack – yes
Ms. Mendes – yes                    
Mr. Minichiello – yes                        
Mr. Rodrigues – yes
Ms. Sullivan – yes                    
Mr. Sullivan – yes                                    
                        Voted:  to approve the motion, unanimous.

Superintendent’s Report

Mayor Sullivan asked for a moment of silence in memory of Ms. Gloria McDonald class of 1950 Brockton High School graduate and grandmother of former School Committee member Brett Gormley.  Ms. McDonald raised her six children in Brockton and a neighbor since 1970, after raising her children she spent 40 years serving the Brockton Public Schools as a paraprofessional at the Plouffe Academy, Goddard Elementary School and Davis Elementary School.  Our thoughts and prayers go to the McDonald Family and Gormley Family.

COVID-19 metrics update

Superintendent Thomas asked Mayor Sullivan for a COVID-19 metrics update.  Mayor Sullivan gave an update report on the COVID-19 cases in Brockton.  As of today, the total cases of COVID-19 is 5,878 and 309 residents have passed away and current positive cases is 620, we are in a deep red classification and the numbers are increasing.  We need to continue working collaboratively and refrain from gatherings during the holidays and stay home with your immediate family.         

Superintendent Thomas mentioned having Dr. Richard Herman as our consultant for the City and School Committee has been huge as he provides us with weekly updated metrics and information.  Our hearts go out to the families of Brockton who have felt the losses of COVID-19, the numbers are devastating and as we continue to look at the metrics to make decisions about school.

Re-visit Re-opening plan

Superintendent Thomas gave an update on the Re-visit Re-opening plan.  We were scheduled to re-open on November 19, 2020 and that is unable to happen at this time.  There is a District Design team that is made up of Educators, Teachers, Administrators, Counselors, Executive Team members, Principals, Kim Gibson, BEA President that will be meeting with Community members and parents as we continue to plan, we’re not ready to return to school because of the numbers, but we must have a plan in place.  We are working on the reopening plan that was submitted to the Department of Education and tweaking that from learned practices across the state for a hybrid model with our educators and unions.  

We know the importance is to have our students back into school especially our students with disabilities and our youngest learners, we make decisions based on the safety for all students, staff and their families.  Not only there’s no substitute for in-person learning but also for the social and emotional needs of our students.  We will continue to look at the metrics, work with Mayor Sullivan, Dr. Herman and we’ll continue to do what is in the best interest of safety and health for all.
Nellie Mae Grant Award

Superintendent Thomas discussed the Nellie Mae Grant Award.  It is the award that we received from the Nellie Mae Foundation grant around equity, diversity and inclusion and look forward to talking about this at the Diversity, Race, Equity and Inclusion Subcommittee.  It is important for us to build the office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, the Nellie Mae Grant will help us start that work and open the office to expand as we move forward.  Superintendent Thomas thanked Ms. Sharon Wolder, Chief Officer of Student Support Services, Karen Watts, Grants Manager and the Diversity Task Force for working hard to get this grant submitted in time.  

On yesterday the district offered a professional development on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion led by Dr. Aminah Pilgrim, Brockton resident and professor at UMASS Boston and Mr. Manuel Fernandez, a Brockton High graduate and Headmaster at a middle school in Cambridge, MA, both have done extensive work around equity, and diversity professional development.

STAR Testing

Superintendent Thomas introduced Dr. Ethan Cancell, Executive Director, Assessment, Accountability, Technology & Student Data Research to present a power point on the STAR Testing results that will reflect the shutdown of schools and the need for the Student Opportunity Act and resources come into this district to be able to give our educators and teacher the tools and things they need to move us forward.  

Star Fall 2020-21 Results (power point)

* A Few Reminders
* From a famous New Jersey Philosopher
* Participation Fall 2020 – Star Reading
* Average Unified Scales Scores – Reading Fall 2020
* Fall 2020 vs 2019 of 6 Average Scores Declined
* Participation Fall 2020 – Star Math
* Average Unified Scaled Scores – Math Fall 2020
* Math Change – 4 of 6 Average Scores Declined
* Possible Explanations?
* Subgroup Analysis
* Student Race Distribution
* Subgroup Score Gaps – Star Reading
* Subgroup Gap Reading – Grade 3
* Subgroup Gap Reading – Grade 4
* Subgroup Gap Reading – Grade 5
* Subgroup Gap Reading – Grade 6
* Subgroup Gap Reading – Grade 7
* Subgroup Gap Reading – Grade 8
* Subgroup Gap Math – Grade 3
* Subgroup Gap Math – Grade 4
* Subgroup Gap Math – Grade 5
* Subgroup Gap Math – Grade 6
* Subgroup Gap Math – Grade 7
* Subgroup Gap Math – Grade 8
* Subgroup Gains – Fall 2019 Vs. Fall 2020
* Subgroup Gains by Grades – Grade 3
* Subgroup Gains by Grades – Grade 4
* Subgroup Gains by Grades – Grade 5
* Subgroup Gains by Grades – Grade 6
* Subgroup Gains by Grades – Grade 7
* Subgroup Gains by Grades – Grade 8
* Subgroup Gains by Grades – Grade 3
* Subgroup Gains by Grades – Grade 4
* Subgroup Gains by Grades – Grade 5
* Subgroup Gains by Grades – Grade 6
* Subgroup Gains by Grades – Grade 7
* Subgroup Gains by Grades – Grade 8
* Substantial Overlaps Group Membership English Learners
* Substantial Overlaps Group Membership Students with Disabilities
* Subgroup Avg. Scores – Reading, Math
* Avg. Unified Scores Reading by Subgroup
* Avg. Unified Scores Math by Subgroup
* Our Challenge:  Meet the students where they are & Take them where they need to GO
* Questions?

* Are you able to look at the results before we got into these years of all the budget cuts and layoffs?
Yes, the budget cuts as we all remember have been going on for a long time, we need to change the trajectory for our students who are there in front of us now and where it should be.


* Superintendent Thomas mentioned this was the first assessment test given this year and it comes off closing down in March trying to locate computers for our students, and it wasn’t enough to give every student a computer therefore we struggled not being a one-to-one district and it goes back to budget issues, teachers not having what they needed.  Upon switching to remote learning, we cut technology and over the years teachers weren’t equipped with the tools they needed.

We lost valuable time through the spring, we’re up and running, parents need to see results and know that we will work on this and fix it, give out educators, teachers, school administrators the tools that are needed.  We need presentations to look at the data, just as the district review said is to drive our decision.  When the SOA money comes in and is desperately needed it’s to provide their gateways cities with money to close the achievement gap, lowering class size, professional development and giving our teachers the tools necessary to close the achievement gap.

* Mr. Minichiello thanked Dr. Cancell for the power point and information provided.  He mentioned some of the realities that we must deal with is the variety of subgroups of students are from different places to Brockton Massachusetts.
* Mr. Minichiello shared his concerns with regards to students that are doing better today the new pencil is what we’re looking at is the computer that we’re all using as a tool is going to determine whether or not a student can be successful in today’s age and time.  It is going to take a lot of work and emphasized the importance to teach our children how to adapt, but we’re up for the challenge.
* Dr. Cancell agrees we must review our curriculum, examine it now as it’s a state requirement, examine it for bias and make it relevant to the student that we have now.
* Superintendent Thomas mentioned we will continue to have presentations to help us see what we need to do and the decisions we need to make, where resources need to go so we can support our teachers and give them the tools and training that they need to help close the achievement gap.
* Ms. Mendes thanked Dr. Cancell for the power point presentation.  Ms. Mendes mentioned the data was not a surprise to her coming from an educator, in the district she works in it’s very similar.  A few different questions asked was, what have been our different approaches and what are our approaches when it comes to the variety of ethnics, how do we meet our higher percentages and what can we do differently as out population in the state has changed but then bringing it back and taking accountability for our school system.  
Superintendent Thomas mentioned he should have the draft MOU from Commissioner Riley’s office and send it in the Friday packet.  This is the MOU that we will have support from DESE and comes with funding to support a new strategic plan/ improvement plan.  It’s called planning for success and it involves the school committee, our educators, administrators, the community and stakeholder to help drive the new strategic plan and needs to be in place by the end of this school year.  We are hopeful to receive funds in our budget for next year from the Student Opportunity Act to make some structural changes that we need to make.

FY21 Budget update

Superintendent Thomas invited Aldo Petronio, BPS/CFO to give an FY21 Budget update.  The governor’s budget meeting this year gave us an additional $21 million dollar and then that fell apart when COVID-19 hit, the governor put out is revised budget which brought us up to what we call level funding from last year.  We originally budgeted at a percent under level funding, by them coming in level funding plus what is almost 2% inflation we’re up $3.6 million, from that amount were up $3.6 million in chapter 70, plus we underfunded ourselves around $5 million dollars, hedge on $11 million when we started, between the governor’s budget and this year to last year we picked up some money.  

The house came out with their budget and added approximately $744,000 they didn’t add it to chapter 70 they kept chapter 70 the same as the governor but they added it to reimbursements on the charter schools.  In the past we never received reimbursement, we received 100 of this the first students the first year and never got the tail endings on what we were supposed to get 60% a year, 40% a year a declining scale and didn’t receive that.  It looks like they added 744,000 to the budget which is good, then last week the senate took $100,000 of that away, so they kept chapter 70 the same and increased the charter school reimbursements.  

The house said they added $108 million to chapter 70 we don’t see it, we’re hoping we get one-time aid or hold harmless aid to help us for this year and comes to us like a grant.  We are waiting to hear from the Department of Education and may not have any information until they’re done with the compromise committee, the house gave their piece to the senate we’re hoping by the end of this month seeing that the governor wants the budget on his desk by December 1st.  Hopefully we’ll know our number and receive additional grant funds that will help, there’s a city’s 20% share that goes up and we may pick up $7 to $8 million of the $11 million we hedged.  We have some people that are laid off, we still pick up some savings in transportation now and we will pick up some other savings in the budget due to the Cares Act reimbursements we are receiving.  We’ve spent $14 million of the Cares Act and so far, reimbursed us $1 million the first round and last week $7 million for the school side and hopefully another $3.4 million to submit for reimbursement this Friday.  We should look decent this year with all the hedging that took place.

On the Cares Act they increased our figures for the entire City of up to $18 million and it looks like we’re on task to spend between the City and School side.  The laptops were a great improvement for us where every child received a brand-new laptop.  FY22 the governor comes out with the budget towards the last week in January and the revenues have looked good for the state and not a good in a regular year, but they are better than they were and hoping they fund the Student Opportunity Act next year.

Mayor Sullivan thanked Aldo for the FY21 Budget update.  We will wait for hard numbers until Beacon Hill ratifies, it looks promising at least for this year.  Mayor Sullivan thinks Aldo is being optimistic than he because he believes that we may see another shutdown in our economy due to the rising numbers of COVID-19 but we will hope for the best.  Mayor Sullivan received a call from Congressman Lynch saying that we will benefit from Heroes Act money after January 20th from the Federal that’s supplemental funds.  

Mayor Sullivan reiterated that Superintendent Thomas, Troy Clarkson, City CFO and Aldo Petronio, BPS CFO will spend every dollar we can to get reimbursement under the Cares Act.  Last week we were reimbursed $7 million.


* How is the busing money being utilized?

The funds are in the non-net school spending accounts until we see what happens with busing going forward.

Items to Refer to Subcommittee         

Mr. D’ Agostino requested the following Subcommittee Meetings:

Superintendent’s Contract Subcommittee meeting.
            Tentative date:  December 1, 2020

Two Policy Subcommittee meetings.
Tentative date:  December 1, 2020 and December 15, 2020

Finance Subcommittee meeting.
Tentative date:  December 8, 2020  

Safety, Security, Transportation Subcommittee meeting.
Tentative date:  December 8, 2020   

Ms. Asack requested a Facilities Usage & Planning Subcommittee meeting.
Tentative date:  December 2, 2020

Unfinished Business    

Mr. D’Agostino discussed the November 10, 2020 Policy Subcommittee Meeting & two agenda items that were favorable voted during the policy subcommittee meeting and recommended to the full committee for a formal vote.
                     Agenda #2 – Automatic Failure Policy

It was discussed at the November 10, 2020 Policy Subcommittee meeting, the motion was made to recommend to the full committee to suspend the Automatic Failure Policy due to absences at the High School, Middle School, Frederick Douglas Academy, Champion High School and Edison Academy.

Mr. Sullivan motioned to suspend the Automatic Failure Policy due to absences at the High School, Middle School, Frederick Douglas Academy, Champion High School and Edison Academy, seconded by Mr. D’Agostino.

Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote:

Mayor Sullivan, Chair – yes                 
Mr. D’Agostino, Vice-Chair – yes              
Ms. Asack – yes
Ms. Mendes – yes                    
Mr. Minichiello – yes                        
Mr. Rodrigues – yes
Ms. Sullivan – yes                    
Mr. Sullivan – yes                                    
                        Voted:  to approve the motion, unanimous.

                    Agenda #3 – Re-visit Re-opening plan

It was discussed at the November 10, 2020 Policy Subcommittee meeting, the motion was made to recommend to the full committee to Re-visit the Re-opening policy and reviewed the metrics from the Department of Education, and guidance to what districts should do.  It was recommended to the full committee that we remain in remote learning until December 23, 2020 further that the committee will continue to have policy subcommittee meetings every two weeks to continue to evaluate our learning model, we would have Dr. Herman attend and give us an update on the COVID-19 metrics cases.

Mr. Minichiello motioned that we remain in remote learning until December 23, 2020 and the committee will continue to have policy subcommittee meeting every two weeks to continue to evaluate our learning model, we would have Dr. Herman attend and give us an update on the COVID-19 metrics cases, seconded by Ms. Sullivan.
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote:

Mayor Sullivan, Chair – yes            
Mr. D’Agostino, Vice-Chair – yes        
Ms. Asack – yes
Ms. Mendes – yes                    
Mr. Minichiello – yes                        
Mr. Rodrigues – yes
Ms. Sullivan – yes                    
Mr. Sullivan – yes                                    
Voted:  to approve the motion, unanimous.

New Business                   None                                   

Executive Session    

Mayor Sullivan informed School Committee members it was confirmed with Superintendent Thomas and legal counsel Executive session was not needed this evening.    

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m.
                                       Respectfully submitted,
                                          Michael P. Thomas
        Power point:  STAR Overview Report