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September 20, 2022

george school
September 20, 2022

Brockton, Massachusetts
Regular School Committee Meeting
September 20, 2022
Live Stream

The Regular Meeting of the Brockton School Committee was held this evening in the George M. Romm Little Theatre at Brockton High School, at seven o'clock.  These minutes contain a summary of the meeting and list items that were under discussion.
Present:  Mayor Sullivan, Chair, Ms. Asack, Vice-Chair, Mrs. Ehlers, Mr. Homer, Mrs. Rivas-Mendes, Mr. Rodrigues, Mrs. Sullivan, Mr. Sullivan 
Also Present:  Superintendent Thomas, Ms. Wolder, Deputy Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, Cabinet Members, Mrs. Kim Gibson, BEA President 
Mayor Sullivan, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 
Mayor Sullivan, Chair took a roll call to establish a quorum that was followed by a salute to the flag.

Mrs. Sullivan - Here
Mrs. Rivas-Mendes – Arrived Later Mr. Homer – Here
Mr. Rodrigues – Here Mrs. Ehlers - Here
Ms. Asack, Vice-Chair - Here Mr. Sullivan - Here Mayor Sullivan - Here             
Hearing of Visitors           

Mr. Brandon Newkirk, Brockton Raiders Youth Football & Cheer spoke to the committee regarding the Arnone School field.

Consent Agenda    

Mayor Sullivan explained the purpose of the Consent Agenda and asked members if they would like to remove any items for further discussion.  Mr. Sullivan moved the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the Consent Agenda in its entirety, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan.

Voted:  to approve the motion, unanimously.
A. Approval of Minutes:  September 7, 2022 Regular School Committee Meeting                 
B. Approval of 2022-2023 Home Education Requests
C. Acceptance of Notification of Personnel Appointments:  Certified Personnel            
D. Acceptance of Notification of Personnel Appointments:  Non-Certified        
E. Acceptance of Notification: Personnel Actions Leaves of Absence, Resignations, Retirements

Superintendent’s Report

Enrollment Update (powerpoint)
    Superintendent Thomas invited Deputy Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, Ms. Sharon Wolder and Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning K-5, Dr. Karen Spaulding to give an update on the district’s enrollment.

Ms. Wolder and Dr. Spaulding gave an update on the district’s enrollment and shared information across the district, that shows comparisons from 2021 and 2022 enrollments. 
Enrollment Totals
> Elementary PreK-5 (including the Barrett Russell) total is 7,282
> Middle Schools total is 3,440 (grades 6-8)
> BHS & Pathways total is 4,372
Grand Total is 15,222*
+32 since the first day
(*an additional 126 student enrollment records are being processed) 


Mrs. Sullivan thanked Ms. Wolder and Dr. Spaulding for the presentation, she asked if the enrollment Information from the Downey School included preschool?Ms. Wolder answered yes, the number of students enrolled at the Downey includes preschool.

Mrs. Sullivan asked for a total of preschoolers in the district. Ms. Wolder mentioned that information will be provided at the next meeting. 

Update on Professional Development for In-service on 9/22/22

Superintendent Thomas asked that Ms. Wolder remain at the podium and give an update on the In-service Professional Development that will be taking place this Thursday, September 22, 2022.  He reminded parents it is a half day of school and to look on our website for dismissal information or to call your child’s school directly.

Ms. Wolder spoke on the hard work by all and continue to build the message about our pathway to proficiency and commitment to our community of 90% proficient in the next five years.  It’s important for us to build on what we started last year and continue to grow.  The first part of this work is going to be just in supporting teachers in revisiting our active reading and writing strategies and then how do we target the questions that we’re asking and think more deeply at a higher level and answer questions that require more thought and more learning as we move forward.

Ms. Wolder mentioned following the workshop and gathered information is collected, a presentation will take place at a school committee meeting of each grade level.


There were none.

Presentation:  BPS Membership in an Educational Collaborative (Dr. LaBillois)
READS Collaborative (Regional Educational Assessment and Diagnostic Services)
(Action Requested)
Superintendent Thomas invited Dr. Jamie LaBillois, Assistant Superintendent of Student Support 
Services to discuss BPS becoming part of a membership in an Educational Collaborative.

Dr. LaBillois presented a powerpoint to the School Committee members for consideration of the district joining an Educational Collaborative and discussed the following:

> What is Special Education Collaborative?
It is a statewide network of public educational service agencies that work together with school districts and school to:
* Provide special education programs, both in-district and outplacement, particularly for students with multiple, complex learning and therapeutic needs.
* Provide high quality professional development and technical assistance
* Develop programs and services to enhance school districts’ operating efficiency
* Implement direct educational services and programs to students and adults
> Process used to select an Educational Collaborative
* Outreach to surrounding Educational Collaboratives
* Interview team from BPS met with two Educational Collaboratives (June 2022)
Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, Chief Officer of Student Support Services, Director of Special Education, Attorney Paige Tobin, incoming Assistant Superintendent of Student Support Services
> Interviewed:  READS Collaborative & North River Collaborative
> Unanimous:  READS Collaborative
* It’s reasonable proximity to Brockton and many of our surrounding communities are member districts.
* Board Members and Special Education Administrators guide the 
direction for the collaborative programs and services.
* There is no fee to join READS Collaborative. 
The commitment of Members is to purchase 4 Clinic Evaluations per year.
* DESE is seeking to move initiative through collaboratives on a statewide, 
regional and local level.
> Pathway to Membership…
* Request to join following a vote of the School Committee
* Superintendent to notify the Chair of the Board in writing of request to join.
* READS Board of Directors then have 60 days to respond

* Next Board meeting is November 1, 2022
* Unanimous votes of Board required to advance application
* Majority of School Committees (18) required to advance application)
* Approval by DESE via amendment to Collaborative Agreement
* Request made by April 30, 2023
* BPS could join effective 7/1/23

    Mr. Sullivan asked what is the cost of the 4 Clinic Evaluations?
    Dr. LaBillois mentioned he believes the cost is $1,500 depending on what specific assessments are needed.

    Mrs. Ehlers thanked Dr. LaBillois for the presentation and believes this is a great idea being part of a collaborative.  She asked how quickly the School Committee needs to move to be put on the November 17, 2022 READ’s agenda?

Dr. LaBillois mentioned Superintendent Thomas will need to notify the chair of the board in advance of the packet being prepared for the meeting, what triggers his notification to the board is the affirmative vote of the committee to join.     

    Mrs. Rivas-Mendes asked who would be the person that represents us on this board?
Dr. LaBillois mentioned it would be Superintendent Thomas on the board of directors, Mrs. Lori Mason or himself to be the director of special education.

    Mrs. Rivas-Mendes asked if we need more clinical assessments than the four, we are required to purchase are we able to acquire additional?  
Dr. LaBillois mentions yes, we would have preference as a member.

Mr. Homer asked do we have a back log of students waiting for a particular service they’re not receiving, would  this open the door for them and how would students normally access the services available through READS as a service delivery center. Dr. LaBillois mentioned we have access to READS as a service delivery center, we pay out of district non-member pricing.

Mrs. Rivas-Mendes motioned to approve authorization of Superintendent Thomas to file the necessary paperwork to create the first steps on the collaborative.  Seconded by Mrs. Ehlers.
                    The motion passed unanimously.
    Presentation:  Superintendent’s End of Cycle Evaluation (Vice-Chair Asack) 
    Ms. Asack discussed the Superintendent’s End of Cycle Evaluation and began her presentation.

 The Superintendent is evaluated on: 
o Progress towards the achievement of goals
* Student Learning Goal
* Professional Practice Goal
* 2-4 District Improvement Goals
o Performance on each of the Standards in the DESE’s Superintendent and District Administrator Rubric
   MA DESE Superintendent’s Rubric Standards and Indicators:
o Standard 1:  Instructional Leadership 
o Standard 2:  Management and Operations
o Standard 3:  Family and Community Engagement
o Standard 4:  Professional Culture
   Overview of the Superintendent’s Evaluation Process:
o Review of Goals
o Presentation of Evidence
o Evaluation of Evidence
o Presentation of Ratings and Feedback
o 2021-2022 Student Learning Goal:  MET
o 2021-2022 Professional Practice Goal:  MET
o 2021-2022 District Goal 1- Build an Equitable, Diverse, and Inclusive Professional Culture:  MET
o 2021-2022 District Goal 2 –Implement the new BPS Transportation Department:  MET
o District Goal 3 – Student Opportunity Act Plan and new District Strategic/Improvement Plan:  MET
o Standard I:  Instructional Leadership:  PROFICIENT
o Standard II:  Management and Operations:  PROFICIENT
o Standard III:  Family and Community Engagement:  PROFICIENT
o Standard IV:  Professional Culture:  PROFICIENT
o 2021-2022 Overall summative Rating:  PROFICIENT
   Next Steps – Begin 2022-2023 Evaluation Cycle
o Self-assessment and Goal Proposal
o Presentation of Proposed Goals to School Committee
o Adoption of Goals by School Committee

Ms. Asack invited Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Aldo Petronio to explain the calculations and ratings from the evaluation.  

Ms. Asack thanked Dr. Karen Spaulding, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, K-5 for her support working along with her on this presentation. 

Mr. Petronio, Chief Financial Officer discussed the scores that were compiled from the evaluation and shows the data from each standard.  The average score was 2.94% that would result in a 2.94% pay increase effective back to July 1, 2022.

Ms. Asack thanked the School Committee members for taking the time in completing the Superintendent’s evaluation and being able to present it early.

Mayor Sullivan thanked Vice-Chair Asack and Committee members for taking their time in completing the Superintendent’s evaluation.

Mr. Rodrigues made a motion to accept the Superintendent’s End of Cycle Summative Evaluation together with corresponding 2.94% base salary contract increase, retroactive to July 1, 2022.  

The motion was seconded by Mr. Sullivan.

    The vote passed unanimously.
Items to Refer to Subcommittee         
Superintendent Thomas requested a Facilities Subcommittee meeting.
Mr. Rodrigues requested an Athletics, Arts,  Music, Extra-Curricular Activities Subcommittee meeting.
Both chairpersons of the committees will work with Mrs. Campbell to schedule a date.

Mayor Sullivan acknowledged Mr. Rodrigues and School Committee members that attended the City Council meeting last night.  We will be investing the City and School partnerships sizable amounts of money into athletic fields to help the boys and girls in the City of Brockton.

Unfinished Business    There is no Unfinished Business.
New Business    

Discussion and Potential Vote:  Regarding the Bid Review Subcommittee Meeting 9/20/22
Mr. Sullivan gave a verbal report of the Bid Review Subcommittee held earlier this evening.  
Four Bids were presented to the committee, two were accepted and two were rejected.

Accepted: FY2023 Paint services for various Brockton Public Schools, Bid #2380-0002 
Accepted: FY2023 Theatrical lighting fixtures upgrade for the BHS Auditorium, Bid #2380-0008  
Rejected: FY2023 Installation of doors, frames, and hardware, Bid #2380-0005 
Rejected: FY2023 Purchase and installation of windows and shades, Bid #2380-0006 

Mr. Sullivan made a motion to accept the verbal report of the Bid Review Subcommittee as presented.  The motion was seconded by Mrs. Sullivan.

The motion passed unanimously.
Seeing no further business, Ms. Asack motioned to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan. The motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.
      Respectfully submitted,

     Michael P. Thomas

     PowerPoints:  Enrollment Update, Special Education Collaboratives, Evaluating the Superintendent:  
             Summative Evaluation Report/2021-2022 Evaluation Cycle    