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Teaching & Learning

george school

The BPS Office of Teaching & Learning provides resources, support, and leadership to ensure that all students have equitable access to high quality, rigorous, and culturally responsive instruction.  We are committed to providing a safe, respectful learning environment grounded in positive relationships.  We honor and celebrate the many ways in which our students, families, and staff are diverse and see this diversity as a strength in our schools and community.

If you would like to learn more about teaching  and learning in the Brockton Public Schools, please either contact the appropriate member of the Office of Teaching & Learning (listed below) or call 508-580-7000 and request to connect with one of us.

To find the district's Curriculum Accommodation Plan, click here.

Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning, Pre-K - 5
Dr. Karen Spaulding

Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning, 6-12 and Pathways
Dr. Michele Conners

Early Childhood Grants and Programs
Dr. Julianne Andrade


Coordinator of Mathematics and Science, PreK-5
Kate Gearon

Coordinator of ELA and Social Science, K-5
Dr. Michele Morrissey-Smith


Middle School Coordinator ELA/Social Studies
Joanne Nelson
Middle School Coordinator Math/Science
Candice McGann

Coordinator of TAG/IB/AP
Todd Erickson


Director of Art, K-12
Sarah Richards
Director of Music, K-12
Rebecca Desmond
Department Head of Foreign Language, 6-12
Director of Wellness K-12
Dennis Geniuch
Director Early College/Dual Enrollment
Shawn Boone


Director of Instructional Technology
Kevin DaPonte
Director of Professional Growth & School Improvement   
Keri Clark
Coordinator of Title 1
Alecia Cacciapuoti

Bilingual Education

Director of Bilingual Education
Kellie Jones


Department Head of Bilingual Education, K-8
Gloria Cho
Department Head of Bilingual Education, K-8
Jennifer Hunter

Department Head of Bilingual Education, 9-12
Honorina Harris

K-12 Bilingual Coordinator
Lisa Mosley
