CLICK HERE TO Register online with the Brockton Public Schools
Registration & Student Assignment
60 Crescent Street Brockton, MA
Phone: 508.580.7950
Fax: 508.580.7956
For your convenience, most functions can be completed online using the information below, however, if you'd like to make an in-person appointment, kindly call our office and we will book an appointment for you.
In addition, we now have a document drop off window for your convenience.
Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 2:30 pm
Extended Hours:
5:00 to 7:00 pm
(when school is in session)
Márcia Andrade Serpa, Director
Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I contact the School Registration Office?
- How do I register my child for school?
- What documentation do I need to register my child for BPS?
- What programs are offered for Pre-Schoolers?
- How do I register for Kindergarten?
- How are students assigned to a school?
- Is my child eligible for transportation?
- What special programs exist for students in Brockton?
- What is the DUAL LANGUAGE program and how do I apply?
- How do I request a transfer to another school?
- How do I know what SCHOOL ZONE I am in?
- How do I register my child for homeschooling?
- How do I submit a middle school appeal form?
- How do I request high school transcripts?
How do I contact the School Registration Office?
Precisa de ajuda em Português or Crioulo?
Fernanda Andrade
ext. 1307
Julia Goncalves
ext. 1308
Eliane Navarro
ext. 1320
Besoin d'aide en Créole Haïtien?
Florcy Bosquet
ext. 1313
Ketura Lacouture Desir
ext. 1309
¿Necesitas ayuda en Español?
Millie Guzmán
ext. 1306
Blanca Soto
ext. 1322
Lara Correia
ext. 1325
Do you need help in English?
Sheila Philbin
ext. 1301
Shoghig 'Shole' Merian
ext. 1302
How do I register my child for school?
BPS now offers online registration. Please click here to complete the process. Below, please find a video that explains how to use our online registration OLR. Once your registration is submitted, you will be placed in the queue for one of our registration specialists to contact you.
What documentation do I need to register my child for BPS?
All families registering a new student with the Brockton Public Schools must have the following required documents uploaded into the Online Registration OLR. You can upload documents directly, text, fax or email them to the registration specialist assigned to you. Be sure to make note of the application number.
You will need the following:
- Child’s birth certificate, birth abstract or passport
- Parent’s/Guardian’s valid photo I.D. (column C )
- Two documents that prove Brockton residency (column A & B )
- Required Immunizations (see Required Immunizations by grade level below)
- Proof of lead screening (for Kindergarten)
- Proof of vision screening with stereopsis (for Kindergarten)
- Recent physical exam (dated within 12 months)
- Individualized Education Plan (if child has been identified with special educational needs)
State law requires students and/or their parents to provide a complete school record upon enrollment in a new district. As part of the registration process you will be asked to sign a release so that we can pursue the school records from the previous district. These include, but are not limited to, health records (immunizations, physical), academic records (MCAS Scores, Transfer Grades, Transcript, Access/WIDA Scores) Special Education/Evaluation Reports (Psychological, I.E.P., etc.) and discipline records.
Controlled School Choice
Parents/guardians who are enrolling or have enrolled their children in the Brockton Public Schools will have the opportunity to choose, within established guidelines, the school their children will attend. The school district's elementary and middle schools have been subdivided into 4 geographic attendance zones. Elementary students are assigned to a school in their zone or in the citywide zone which is open to all students if space is available. Middle school students are assigned by the district office; however, transportation is not provided outside of the student's zone of residence.
What programs are offered for Pre-Schoolers?
We currently have a waitlist for Pre-School Peers.
As the 2024-2025 school year opens, we will offer a total of 30 universal pre-kindergarten classrooms to better accommodate the needs of our eligible students with disabilities. A select number of seats in those classrooms are made available to typically developing pre-school students (peer models) along with students with special needs.
Our specialized early learning classrooms are open to qualifying three- and four-year-olds based on seat availability.
Transportation is not offered for peer models.
Brockton’s early childhood programs are located throughout the district and serve pre-school students with disabilities (children with special needs).
We have both morning and afternoon sessions.
Peers serve as models of age-appropriate skills for children demonstrating delays in their development. For this reason, we seek peers who demonstrate most or all of the skills listed below.
· Completely toilet trained
· Separates easily from parents
· Able to follow rules and routines
· Can attend to a preferred/self-directed activity for at least 8 to 10 minutes
· Can attend to an adult-selected activity for at least 4-5 minutes
· Plays with a variety of toys appropriately
· Able to play beside and/or with other children while sharing the same bin of toys
· Speaks in clear sentences
· Talks to other children while playing
· Speech is clear and understandable by unfamiliar adults
· Can understand and answer simple questions
· Demonstrates an ability to use crayons, scissors and glue to complete a project
· Is well-coordinated and able to walk, run, jump and climb
If you have any concerns regarding your child’s speech/language, social, behavior, gross motor, fine motor, cognitive or adaptive behavior, and would like to request a screening for your pre-school aged child, please click the link below.
Due to budgetary constraints and the need to realign programming with existing regulations, the district can no longer offer a general education pre-kindergarten program. We will always keep the vision for expanding our universal pre-kindergarten options in our view, but space and financial resources cannot fully support that vision at this time.
How do I register for Kindergarten?
Children eligible for Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year must be 5 years old by August 31, 2025.
For information on KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION please click the links below
How are students assigned to a school?
The Assignment Policy
Parents/guardians will indicate their preferences for school choice at the time of registration. For elementary aged students, a minimum of three schools should be selected on the registration form in order of preference. Every effort is made to assign students to the in-zone school their parents select. If there are more registrations for a particular school or program than can be accommodated, an established set of priorities will be used to decide school assignments:
- Complete and timely registration
- Seat availability
- Sibling priority (brother/sister, step-sibling, foster-sibling also attend chosen school)
- Closest school to home
- Random lottery
- Wait list
- Registration periods
All students who do not receive their first choice school may be placed on a wait list for that school. Parents who reject the opportunity for their child to be moved when a seat becomes available will be removed from the school's wait list. All wait lists are cleared at the end of the school year.
Middle School assignments are completed in accordance with the Brockton School Committee guidelines. The following established set of priorities will be used to decide school assignments:
1. Programmatic need
2. Proximity to school within their zone
3. Sibling preference (brother/sister, step-sibling, foster-sibling who live in the same home also attend chosen school)
4. Seat availability
If you are not pleased with your child's assignment, you will be able to make a one-time appeal following the assignment during the two-week
appeal window. Middle School assignments are placed in the student's virtual backpack by mid-May of each year.
Out-of-Zone Assignment Requests
A request for a transfer to an out-of-zone school will be considered on a yearly basis only if there are seats unfilled by students within the zone. Transportation for Out of Zone students will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
Is my child eligible for transportation?
Transportation Guidelines
Transportation is provided to students only within their zone of residence. Elementary school students are eligible for transportation if they live more than 1.5 miles from their school and the school is in their zone. Middle school students are eligible for transportation if they live more than 2.0 miles from their school and the school is in their zone. Students assigned to a special program at a school outside of their zone of residence will be transported if they live beyond 1.5 miles for elementary students or 2.0 miles for middle school students.
What special programs exist for students in Brockton?
Out-of-Zone Assignment Requests
A request for a transfer to an out-of-zone school will be considered on a yearly basis only if there are seats unfilled by students within the zone
English Language Learners
Students whose primary language is not English and who have been identified as eligible for sheltered English immersion classrooms will be assigned to a school that provides these services.
Two-Way Language Program
The two-way language program is based upon a model of dual immersion programs that exist nationwide in various different languages. The design of the program is also based upon current research about how children best learn languages. Achievement results of students in such programs also indicate a much higher level of academic performance. A two-way language program includes a group of English speaking and also Spanish speaking students, preferably in equal numbers.
If parents are interested in the program for their child, both Spanish and English speaking parents will be asked to sign a letter of commitment stating that they commit to keep their child in the program up through fifth grade.After committing initially to the program, a lottery will be held in a public forum.Acceptance to this program will be contingent upon the screening and interview process.Parents will receive a letter by mail informing them of their child’s status.
UNIDOS One Way Language Immersion Program - George School
The One-Way Immersion English-Portuguese program is a dual language program structured as a collaborative learning community fostering the growth of English and Portuguese with a vision of bringing students and families from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds together to become bilingual, bi-literate and multicultural. The UNIDOS program is beginning its second year with our first Kindergarten class preparing to transition into grade 1 for September of 2017. A year-long collaboration with state agencies, district, schools and city, and the dual language steering committee lay the foundation for this next generation of dual language programming in Brockton. Using the experiences of the Two-Way program, careful examination of other DL programs around the country and studying the models of successful Portuguese-English dual language programs in Massachusetts and around the country, UNIDOS was launched. The support for UNIDOS and the one way immersion dual language programming is widespread beginning with the local community, Portuguese and Brazilian officials, consulates and the larger language learning community which distributed information and received press coverage in the U.S and abroad.
Based on national research and recommendations, the program follows a 50%-50% model whereby students spend half of their schedule/time with the English teacher and half schedule/time with the Portuguese teacher. Kindergarten students follow, participate and engage academically with the age-appropriate standards, curriculum and developmental milestones for early childhood education in all subjects: reading, math, social studies, science etc. Additional grades will be added each year to the Portuguese language program to Grade 5 and the UNIDOS program has become part of larger dual language immersion network in Brockton.
Resources are available in both languages and teachers are fluent speakers in the languages of instruction. Academics, projects, cultural themes, activities, formal and informal testing are conducted in both languages and students take all district and state mandated assessments. The UNIDOS One Way Immersion program adheres to the national Guiding Principles for Dual Language programs, CCSS, WIDA, ACTFL standards.
Interested students/families request consideration for entry into the program through the Kindergarten registration process with a public lottery held in mid-May following the scheduled Kindergarten registration process. A lottery has been established due to the large number of interested Brockton residents. Class sizes conform to the district’s guidelines for kindergarten class sizes. A waitlist will be established after the lottery and is in effect for one year. A current Frequently-Asked- Question (FAQ) information page is available at Parent Center and the Bilingual-ESL Department with updated information, schedules and procedures.
Special Education Student Assignments
In accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the educational placement of a special education student is determined by the student's individual education planning team and cannot be unilaterally determined by the parents. Therefore, students who have been identified as requiring special education services will be assigned only to those schools containing the special education program required by their Individual Education Plan (IEP).
Integrated Kindergarten Classroom
The integrated and inclusion classroom models bring together children with special needs and typically developing children or role models. Early integration experiences are known to be beneficial to both the special needs child and the typically developing child. Both groups learn from one another and develop a better understanding of each other's strengths and needs. The program uses the same curriculum and materials as the regular kindergarten program. In each integrated kindergarten classroom there will be one special needs teacher and two full time paraprofessionals for a maximum of twenty children. Classes will have up to ten role models and up to ten children with special needs. Parents may apply for the integrated programs during the kindergarten registration process. Typically developing students are screened and selected by the Special Education Department from enrollment requests and by zone address. If you wish to receive more information, please contact Laurie Mason, Director of Special Education at (508) 580-7525.
What is the DUAL LANGUAGE program and how do I apply?
BPS proudly offers dual language programs where students learn to read, write, and speak in two languages: Unidos- English/Portuguese, Juntos-English/Spanish and Amitié-English/French. All three dual language programs are located at the George Global Studies School. Due to high demand, incoming Kindergarten students are selected through a lottery that will be held virtually on Wednesday, May 28, 2025 at 1:00 pm.
All registrations must be completed with required documentation by May 16 to be eligible for the Dual Language Lottery.
- Final acceptance will be contingent upon the results of the screening and attending the mandatory family orientation session.
- Families will be contacted in the order the names are drawn in the lottery until the class roster is filled.
If you are interested in participating in the Dual Language Lottery (DLL), you must complete the DLL electronic form in the registration.
Entry into the DUAL LANGUAGE PROGRAM is offered in Kindergarten only, unless the student is transferring from a Dual Language Program (depending on seat availability).
To learn more please click the Frequently Asked Questions links below.
How do I request a transfer to another school?
Transfer Due to a Move:
If your family has moved within the city and you wish to transfer your PreK-12 student to a school closer to your new address, please complete the Change of Address Form.
- Within the Same School Zone: Students moving to a new address within their current school zone may continue attending their current school. However, proof of the new address must be submitted.
- Outside of Zone: Students moving to a new school outside of their school zone may remain at their current school until the end of the school year, though transportation will not be provided. After the school year ends, parents must apply for an out-of-zone placement if they wish to keep their child at the current school. Otherwise, a new school within the updated school zone will need to be selected.
Transfer for Reasons Other Than a Move:
For non-move-related transfer requests, we encourage parents and guardians to work closely with school administration to address any concerns before requesting a transfer. If, after this step, a transfer is still desired, please complete the School Transfer Form.
Once your request is reviewed by district personnel, you will receive a response from our office.
Please note: To support continuity in learning and minimize disruption to grades, transfers will only be considered for the start of the next term. This approach is in the best interest of the student, ensuring a smoother transition.
How do I know what SCHOOL ZONE I am in?
How do I register my child for homeschooling?
The law in Massachusetts mandates that the School Committee must ensure that a homeschooling program adheres to the minimum standards set for public schools in the state before granting approval. To enroll your child in homeschooling, kindly fill out the HOMESCHOOL FORM. This form, along with its accompanying documents, must be submitted at least fourteen (14) days before the intended commencement of the home education program.
How do I submit a middle school appeal form?
Middle school assignments for all incoming grade 6 students are carefully made in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the school committee. If you believe there is a compelling reason to appeal your child’s school assignment, you have the option to file a ONE-TIME appeal. A three-member appeal panel with school, parent and community representation will review such cases. The Appeals Board will consider only those requests filed during the appeal window, which are deemed sufficiently compelling and which can be accommodated within available space. The decision of the Appeals Board is final.
The appeal period closed on June 18, 2024.
How do I request high school transcripts?
- PLEASE NOTE: There is a $5.00 fee (cash or money order only) for each official transcript.
- Please make the money order payable to:
470 Forest Ave
Brockton, MA 02301. - There is no charge for email (unofficial) transcripts.