Brockton Public Schools

School Committee Policy


Regular and punctual school attendance is essential for success in school. The Committee does recognize that parents of children attending our schools have special rights as well as responsibilities. One is to ensure that their children attend school regularly, in accordance with state law.

Therefore, students may be excused temporarily from school attendance for the following reasons:

A child may also be excused for other exceptional reasons with approval of the school administrator.

It is the policy of the Brockton Public Schools and a law of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that every child between the ages of six and sixteen must attend school.

The law concerning pupil absence requires that a child absent five or more consecutive days for illness be examined by a registered physician or by the school medical staff. It is the policy in the Brockton Public Schools to require examination by the school medical staff for absence of five consecutive days or more. Schools, at their own discretion, may send the child to the medical staff after an absence of three consecutive days. If a parent has a child examined by a physician, the doctor's certificate must accompany the absence note when the child first returns to school.

An excuse from parent or guardian, either in writing or by personal appearance, is required each time the student is absent, tardy or dismissed.

Failure to comply with this regulation will result in disciplinary action. Continued violation may lead to suspension from school and/or a notice to the Supervisor of Attendance.

Make-up Opportunities:

All children enrolled in the Brockton Public School system are given the opportunity to make-up work missed during a legitimate absence. It is the responsibility of the teacher and school to inform the student of all work missed and to establish a schedule of make-up sessions. It is the student's responsibility to make-up work and report for extra help whenever requested to do so by the teacher.