Brockton Public Schools

School Committee Policy


The Brockton School Committee contracts for annual services on a full time basis that may include identification of student health needs, communicable disease prevention and control, promotion of the correction of remediable health defects, emergency care of the ill and injured, health counseling, health and safety education, and the maintenance of a healthful school environment.

The School System recognizes that parents have the primary responsibility for the health of their students. The school will cooperate with appropriate professional organizations associated with maintaining individual and community health and safety.

The School System shall provide the services of a medical consultant who shall render medical and administrative consultive services for personnel responsible for school health and athletics.

Student Illness or Injury

In case of illness or injury, the parent or guardian will be contacted and asked to call for the student or provide the transportation.

Transportation of an ill or injured student is not normally to be provided by the school. If the parent/guardian cannot provide transportation and the student is seriously ill or injured, an ambulance may be called.